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Being punk in a black community.

Greetings all. This topic may turn a few of you off, but this is my page. my first job is to speak on things that affect us as a community and I will do that.

Growing up punk in a black community or family. Was never an easy life. Cause so many people are willing to judge or point the finger. Besides the crew I ran with, we were seen as the black sheep, emo, punk, and goth crew. That was fine to me, as long as you didn't have a negative tone. I for a long time felt left out by family and friends, cause of our community. That was some white mess, as old and nonchanging minds would say.

I'm not going to make this post long, but I've always gone a different way from the people around me, and if you don't agree with my lifestyle. Cool, I won't stop you. Non the less I'm always going to push punk life on this page.

Make sure to hit the photo below to see my TikTok video (Being punk in a black community).